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// GptCell.cpp - pcGPlot cell array stuff
// copyright 1992 Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
#include "gpt.h"
#include "cgm.h" // basic display classes
#include "cgmdisp.h" // basic display classes
#include "gptDisp.h"
// *** pcDisplay::cells
pcDisplay::cells(const cellArray *inCarray)
HBITMAP hOldBitmap, hBitmap;
int *scaledPt;
POINT *scaledPtr;
int ret = 0;
int xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, i;
unsigned long myWidth, myHeight;
unsigned long cellnx, cellny;
BOOL isRect = FALSE;
RECT rr, srcRect;
if ( !inCarray || !inCarray->corners()) return 1;
const vdcPts *corners = inCarray->corners();
getPts(corners, scaledPt); // get the scaled corner pts
scaledPtr = (POINT *)scaledPt;
// #define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
// Draw Green Rectangle on Display which cell array will cover
COLORREF RGB = RGB(0,255,0);
Rectangle(hdcMeta,scaledPtr[0].x,scaledPtr[0].y,scaledPtr[1].x,scaledPtr[1].x) ;
cellnx = inCarray->nx();
cellny = inCarray->ny();
// figure out the upper left corner, width, height, y increases down
// use the full enclosing rectangle
// start out at the fourth point (so as to cover all 4)
xMin = xMax = scaledPtr[0].x + scaledPtr[1].x - scaledPtr[2].x;
yMin = yMax = scaledPtr[0].y + scaledPtr[1].y - scaledPtr[2].y;
POINT ClipVert[5];
ClipVert[0] = scaledPtr[0];
ClipVert[1] = scaledPtr[2];
ClipVert[2] = scaledPtr[1];
ClipVert[3].x = xMax;
ClipVert[3].y = yMax;
ClipVert[4] = scaledPtr[0];
HRGN clip = CreatePolygonRgn(ClipVert, 5, ALTERNATE);
for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
if (scaledPtr[i].x < xMin) xMin = scaledPtr[i].x;
if (scaledPtr[i].x > xMax) xMax = scaledPtr[i].x;
if (scaledPtr[i].y < yMin) yMin = scaledPtr[i].y;
if (scaledPtr[i].y > yMax) yMax = scaledPtr[i].y;
// let's make sure things fit
if (xMin < 0) xMin = 0;
if (yMin < 0) yMin = 0;
if (xMax > width()) xMax = width();
if (yMax > height()) yMax = height();
myWidth = xMax - xMin;
myHeight = yMax - yMin;
if (myWidth == abs((int)(scaledPtr[1].x - scaledPtr[0].x)) &&
myHeight == abs((int)(scaledPtr[1].y - scaledPtr[0].y)) )
isRect = TRUE;
// shift the scaled Ptr for the cellarray
for (i=0; i<3; ++i) { scaledPtr[i].x -= xMin; scaledPtr[i].y -= yMin; }
srcRect.top = 0;
srcRect.left = 0;
if (isRect && ( cellnx*cellny < myWidth *myHeight ) )
hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, cellnx, cellny);
srcRect.right = cellnx;
srcRect.bottom = cellny;
hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, myWidth, myHeight);
srcRect.right = myWidth;
srcRect.bottom = myHeight;
HDC hMemoryDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
hOldBitmap = SelectObject( hMemoryDC, hBitmap);
if (cgmWin->hPal)
HPALETTE foo = SelectPalette(hMemoryDC,cgmWin->hPal,0);
int snow = RealizePalette(hMemoryDC);
// Fill Bitmap in with background color
lBrush.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
lBrush.lbColor = RGBbackground;
HBRUSH hBrush = CreateBrushIndirect((LOGBRUSH FAR *)&lBrush);
//HBRUSH hOldBrush = SelectObject(hdc, (HANDLE)hBrush);
//SelectObject(hdcMeta, (HANDLE)hBrush);
//PatBlt(hMemoryDC,0,0,srcRect.right, srcRect.bottom,PATCOPY);
//SelectObject(hMemoryDC, (HANDLE)hOldBrush);
//DeleteObject( hBrush);
HBRUSH hOldBrush = SelectObject(hMemoryDC, (HANDLE)hBrush);
SelectObject(hMemoryDC, (HANDLE)hBrush);
PatBlt(hMemoryDC,0,0,srcRect.right, srcRect.bottom,PATCOPY);
SelectObject(hMemoryDC, (HANDLE)hOldBrush);
DeleteObject( hBrush);
// do fill for pc
inCarray->fill( scaledPtr, myWidth, myHeight, hMemoryDC );
//for (int xInd = 0; xInd < srcRect.right; xInd +=3)
// for (int yInd = 0; yInd < srcRect.bottom; yInd +=3)
// SetPixel(hMemoryDC,xInd, yInd, RGB(255,0,0));
SelectObject( hdc, clip);
DeleteObject( clip);
StretchBlt(hdc, xMin, yMin,xMax -xMin, yMax-yMin, hMemoryDC,0,0, srcRect.right,
srcRect.bottom, SRCCOPY);
StretchBlt(hdcMeta, xMin, yMin,xMax -xMin, yMax-yMin, hMemoryDC,0,0, srcRect.right,
srcRect.bottom, SRCCOPY);
SelectObject(hMemoryDC, hOldBitmap);
// Restore original clip
ClipVert[0].x = clipr.left;
ClipVert[0].y = clipr.top;
ClipVert[1].x = clipr.right;
ClipVert[1].y = clipr.top;
ClipVert[2].x = clipr.right;
ClipVert[2].y = clipr.bottom;
ClipVert[3].x = clipr.left;
ClipVert[3].y = clipr.bottom;
ClipVert[4] = ClipVert[0];
clip = CreatePolygonRgn(ClipVert, 5, ALTERNATE);
SelectClipRgn(hdc, clip);
//SelectClipRgn(hdcMeta, clip);
delete scaledPt;
return 0;
// cell array routine to fill out cell array bitmap
// *** cellArray::fill
cellArray::fill(POINT *inPts, unsigned int inWidth, unsigned int inHeight
, HDC hdcMem) const
const unsigned long PAL = 0X2000000 ;
long ix, iy, newX, newY, oldX, oldY, cellX, cellY;
COLORREF myPixelColor;
int topX, topY;
float *myColrs, rx, ry;
double axx, axy, ayx, ayy; // xform matrix from X space to cell array space
long Qx, Qy, Rx,Ry;
long det;
double ddet;
DWORD stat;
BOOL isRect1, isRect2;
BOOL GotColor = FALSE;
BOOL SetColor = FALSE;
cellX = this->myNx;
cellY = this->myNy;
isRect1 = isRect2 = FALSE;
// get the offsets from the first co-ord, P
Qx = inPts[1].x - inPts[0].x;
Qy = inPts[1].y - inPts[0].y;
Rx = inPts[2].x - inPts[0].x;
Ry = inPts[2].y - inPts[0].y;
// See if rectangular and no floating point cell array - memory xformation needed
if ( (Rx == 0 && Ry == Qy) || ( Ry == 0 && Rx == Qx))
if ( cellX*cellY <= (long)((long)inHeight*inWidth))
isRect1 = TRUE; // filling in cellX by cellY memory size
else isRect2 = TRUE; // filling in inWidth by inHeight memory size
// now the determinant of the transformation
det = Rx * Qy - Ry * Qx;
ddet = (double) det; // take care of ULTRIX C bug
if (!det) return; // P, Q, and R are co-linear ( gads!!)
// now the actual matrix components
axx = (cellX * (Qy - Ry) )/ ddet;
axy = (cellX * (Rx - Qx) ) / ddet;
ayx = - (cellY * Ry )/ ddet;
ayy = (cellY * Rx )/ ddet;
if (isRect1) { topY = cellY; topX = cellX; }
else { topY = inHeight; topX = inWidth; }
//if (topY > 100) topY =100;
//if (topX > 100) topX = 100;
for (iy=0; iy < topY; ++iy)
if (isRect1)
newY = iy;
if (Qy < 0) newY = cellY - newY -1;
else if (isRect2)
oldY = iy - inPts[0].y;
newY = (oldY * cellY)/Qy;
oldY = iy - inPts[0].y;
for (ix=0; ix < topX; ++ix)
if (isRect1)
newX = ix;
if (Qx < 0) newX = cellX - newX -1;
else if (isRect2)
oldX = ix - inPts[0].x;
newX = (oldX * cellX)/Qx;
oldX = ix - inPts[0].x;
rx = axx * oldX + axy * oldY;
ry = ayx * oldX + ayy * oldY;
newX = (int) rx;
newY = (int) ry;
// is rectangular or the transformed pt in the affected area ?
if ( isRect1 || isRect2 || ((rx >= 0)
&& (rx < cellX) && (ry >= 0) && (ry < cellY)))
myColrs = getFloats(newX, newY);
myPixelColor = RGB( (BYTE)(myColrs[0] * 0XFF),
(BYTE)(myColrs[1] * 0XFF),
(BYTE)(myColrs[2] * 0XFF)
) | PAL;
if (myPixelColor & 0XFFFFFF)
GotColor = TRUE;
stat = SetPixel(hdcMem,ix, iy, myPixelColor);
if (stat)
SetColor = TRUE;;
int moo = 0; // for debug stop
// *********************** set_rect() **************************
RECT *set_rect(RECT *rectangle, short top, short left,
short bottom, short right)
rectangle->top = top;
rectangle->left =left;
rectangle->bottom = bottom;
rectangle->right = right;
return rectangle;